Tag: Website

  • Upcoming Improvements…

    Upcoming Improvements…

    It’s been a while since the last article! Now, we’re back with this big announcement regarding Aptivi and its rebranding. This article contains a simple explanation about how Aptivi’s rebranding plan is going to be done. Aptivi’s branding is going to be re-designed, but this time, it’s a minor one. This means that while we…

  • Updates regarding our work

    Updates regarding our work

    Yesterday, Nitrocid KS 0.1.0’s tag was added to the Git repository that marked the end of the second development semester of this particular version because we needed a year and a half to come up with all the awesome features that will be highlighted in the upcoming article. This tag triggered the release drafter, which…

  • Regarding the programming articles

    Regarding the programming articles

    When this blog site first appeared, it talked about our experience with computers, including tips and tricks with computers. Over time, this blog site is populated with programming articles. However, it looks like DEV.to is a better place to write programming-related articles there. That programming blogging platform was there for developers to write their blog…

  • Regarding our website

    Regarding our website

    Update: Our brand new website design just landed! Give us feedback on how to improve it. Click on the button below to visit the website! We have established our landing website to give you a welcome mat to our projects and to our technology stuff. However, it looks like we’re facing maintenance difficulties with our…

  • Celebrating the 10k views!

    In 2019, we started Eoflogs, a tech blog site made with WordPress by EoflaOE, to talk about what’s new with everything related to technology, such as Ubuntu updates, Windows updates, ans many more things. It also talks about our involvement and contribution to such fields, such as Kernel Simulator, a kernel simulation application which we…

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