Tag: Simulator

  • Kernel Simulator

    Did you remember PowerLine? Have you ever seen it and used it? If not, PowerLine is a terminal beautifier which will make your terminal prompt look more awesome than before. It uses its own glyph, which are usually spotted with the Nerd Font typefaces, and can be rendered on the terminal prompt if it’s supported.…

  • Kernel Simulator

    Today, Kernel Simulator just got a minor upgrade to the to add some extra minor features to the 0.0.22.x series, with improvements in place. We’ll be introducing you to brand new features that this new version offers. No APM Mode Simulation Did you remember back in the ancient days of computing when you had…

  • Kernel Simulator

    Kernel Simulator has experienced many improvements since its debut in February 22nd across several versions, including The previous release has added new screensavers, the brand-new hex editor shell, and the ability to use custom notifications to serve your notices your own way. However, we’re thrilled to release another major version of Kernel Simulator!…

  • Kernel Simulator

    In 2018, we started the development of the very first version of KS in February 10, and finished it in February 22. It was a minimalistic simulator that simulated the most basic parts of the kernel. It was in version 0.0.1 to denote the first iteration. Since then, we’ve continuously made the changes to the…

  • Announcing the Second Gen Kernel Simulator

    The first gen times We’ve started the project in February 22, 2018 after prototyping it back in late January/early February. We needed to show the users how the kernel and the full operating system worked in managed code, so we chose .NET as an option. Back then, we were still used to the syntax of…

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