Tag: Contact

  • VisualCard, reloaded.

    VisualCard, reloaded.

    Update: We’re excited to release this version of VisualCard today! Check it out on NuGet! VisualCard was officially released to GitHub in the form of source code on May 9th, 2022, and its first alpha was released on June 27th of the same year. Since then, we’ve made initial implementations during the four alpha releases…

  • vCard 5.0 is now official!

    vCard 5.0 is now official!

    All of the contact management programs, such as your phone’s built-in contact manager, that you can use to make calls, add contacts, and remove them, use vCard. This facilitates contact management, such as allowing you to import and export one or more contacts. Here’s an example contact file that constitutes four contacts (please note that…

  • VisualCard Announcement

    There are VCard parsers available for all the programming languages of your choice; like VObject, a Python implementation; ez-vcard, a Java implementation; and MixERP.Net.VCards, a .NET implementation. They are useful for getting information from the VCards and saving them to the VCard file in your contact application. However, we are announcing our solution for parsing…

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