Tag: C#

  • How to install Termux with .NET 8.0 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS PRoot Distro

    How to install Termux with .NET 8.0 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS PRoot Distro

    Ubuntu 23.10 and later recently packaged all of the .NET 8.0 packages or later that were available in Microsoft’s public repositories. Although it was proven to be extremely difficult to package for because the build system uses the Internet and the Debian Packaging Guidelines explicitly stated that no package in the main archive may use…

  • FileMagic Announcement

    FileMagic Announcement

    It’s been a while since we’ve released a library that is not taken from other libraries after SpecProbe. Today, we are more than excited to announce a masterpiece library: FileMagic! Have you heard about the file command that tells you the details of a file according to its magic number? This command was shipped with…

  • The second preview of .NET 9 is out!

    The second preview of .NET 9 is out!

    Since .NET 8.0 was released in November of the last year, they are currently working on the next version of .NET, which is 9.0. As a result, Microsoft is excited to release the second preview of .NET 9 to let you try out its brand new features. You can download the second preview of .NET…

  • Nitrocid KS 0.1.0 – Final – Magic Bloom

    Nitrocid KS 0.1.0 – Final – Magic Bloom

    This is the moment that all of you have been waiting for! Before going to the subject, we need to tell you the history of Nitrocid KS when it was Kernel Simulator in 2018. If you want to go straight to the announcement, skip to the below section colored in yellow. History of N-KS When…

  • Textify’s two functions removed temporarily

    Textify’s two functions removed temporarily

    While Terminaux 3.0 is still in development, we have made some crucial changes related to how we structure the console extensions. Terminaux 3.0 needed to maintain the VT sequence tools, so we’ve decided to take these tools from Textify to Terminaux 3.0, resulting in some kind of conflict as we progressed through the migration completion.…

  • The first preview of .NET 9 is out!

    The first preview of .NET 9 is out!

    Since .NET 8.0 was released in November of the last year, and the Microsoft team has been working on the next version of .NET, which is 9.0, they made the first preview of the upcoming .NET version. As a result, Microsoft is excited to release the first preview of .NET 9 to let you try…

  • Mod API versions for Nitrocid

    Mod API versions for Nitrocid

    In the first version of Nitrocid KS (Kernel Simulator back then), 0.0.1, we had assigned different versions for two version components for each release: However, it was not known well because the semantics weren’t explained for the mod API versions found in the file version of each release. This article explains the semantics of this…

  • The Black Magic

    The Black Magic

    Since the release of Beta 2 of the upcoming version of Nitrocid KS, 0.1.0, we’ve made a large amount of changes that are exciting. The second beta was released four months ago in order to give us more time to polish the release while still adding new features. Talking about the whole 0.1.0, it was…

  • .NET 9.0 still supports ARM32

    .NET 9.0 still supports ARM32

    This article applies to users who own ARM32-based boards, including old Android phones and old embedded devices that use that chip. ARM64 users are not affected. The upcoming short-term release version of .NET that is planned to be released on November 2024, which is .NET 9.0, can still be run on ARM32 devices. Here’s the…

  • Terminaux 2.0 is out now!

    Terminaux 2.0 is out now!

    Since Terminaux 1.0 was released in August 2022, we’ve made continuous improvements to several of the features, especially the console reader. Yesterday, Nitrocid KS 0.1.0 Beta 3’s development has finished, but it isn’t released yet until December 28th, 2023 comes. Terminaux 2.0 strives to improve many core features that Terminaux 1.0 contains. To download Terminaux…

  • How to install Termux with .NET 8.0

    How to install Termux with .NET 8.0

    Ubuntu 23.10 and later recently packaged all of the .NET 8.0 packages or later that were available in Microsoft’s public repositories. Although it was proven to be extremely difficult to package for because the build system uses the Internet and the Debian Packaging Guidelines explicitly stated that no package in the main archive may use…

  • SpecProbe’s macOS support

    SpecProbe’s macOS support

    SpecProbe is a hardware prober that allows you to get information about your computer’s hardware, including the CPU, the RAM, and the storage devices. It’s available for all the C# projects and Visual Basic projects that use the modern .NET. However, the initial version of SpecProbe only supported Linux and Windows systems, so users of…

  • UseShellExecute Process and StartInfo Debugging on .NET

    UseShellExecute Process and StartInfo Debugging on .NET

    Please note that this article is published incomplete, so complete details can be found here. Check the relevant ticket here. We’ve recently run an investigation made internally that involves the Process class and its UseShellExecute feature. This is an investigation about a pitfall when debugging the StartInfo property of a process that is to be…

  • Obsoleting Extensification

    Obsoleting Extensification

    Extensification was released in 2020 to aid in making otherwise complicated methods a simple thing to do. It was initially intended for Nitrocid KS (Kernel Simulator at the time), but later extended to some of our projects. It was because we were using Visual Basic at the time, which was known for its limited development.…

  • MSBuild PPA deprecated, again

    MSBuild PPA deprecated, again

    On 2021-04-02, the MSBuild PPA was renewed to build the Visual Studio project building software for .NET, MSBuild. When the PPA was rebuilt, Microsoft didn’t put .NET Runtime and SDK into the Ubuntu repositories at the time. However, as we told you previously, Microsoft managed to do the impossible to put both .NET 6.0 and…

  • How to install Termux with .NET 6.0

    How to install Termux with .NET 6.0

    Ubuntu 22.04 and later recently packaged all of the .NET 6.0 packages or later that were available in Microsoft’s public repositories. Although it was proven to be extremely difficult to package for because the build system uses the Internet and the Debian Packaging Guidelines explicitly stated that no package in the main archive may use…

  • The impossible happened! .NET 6.0 in Official Linux Distro Repositories!

    The impossible happened! .NET 6.0 in Official Linux Distro Repositories!

    .NET 6.0 was released last year as a long-term support release to give you exciting new features, such as support for Apple Silicon chips used in the latest MacBooks and Macs in general, massive performance improvements, support for C# 10 and F# 6, improved support for WebAssembly, and much more to offer. It was originally…

  • Started development of .NET 8.0

    Started development of .NET 8.0

    At November 23, Microsoft started development of the next LTS version of .NET which is to be released at November 2023 according to the planned schedule shown below: In the same month, .NET 7.0 was released at November 8th of this year, which means that not even 30 days has passed (15 days to be…

  • .NET Core 3.1’s last month

    .NET Core 3.1’s last month

    .NET Core 3.1, as we always start with every article that talks about this version of .NET, was released for Windows, Linux, and macOS at December 3rd, 2019. It featured support for C# 8.0, F# 4.7, Windows Desktop application building, fast built-in JSON support, and more. At July 12th of 2022, Microsoft have recently announced…

  • Color Blindness in ColorSeq

    Color Blindness in ColorSeq

    ColorSeq version 1.1 is released to support color blindness during the generation of the color sequences and various improvements in several areas of generation. This version of ColorSeq offers color blindness simulation using the 1997 formula made by Hans Brettel, Françoise Viénot, and John D. Mollon. So, seeing as more and more programs are getting…

  • Ending support for ReadLine.Reboot

    Ending support for ReadLine.Reboot

    We have introduced you to ReadLine.Reboot back in June when we’re trying to expand the base library, ReadLine, after it got abandoned by Toni Solarin-Sodara in 2018. Since then, we have made claims that this reboot will keep being developed through its lifetime. Sadly, we have made our final decision regarding this project, and what…

  • NuGet is deprecating the legacy cipher suites

    NuGet used to support both the modern cipher suites and the legacy cipher suites for the connection to the main site, http://www.nuget.org. However, on August 30th, it has become clear that NuGet is deprecating the legacy cipher suites from their site so anyone who are still using the legacy cipher suites are no longer be…

  • C# Top-level statement console template problem partly solved

    The top-level statement console template problem started when .NET 6.0 was released back in November 8th, 2022. During its development time, there was a proposal from a C# developer who suggested using the top-level statements with implicit usings and nullable contexts in the console template which was unchanged from the very start of .NET going…

  • GRILO – Bootloader Simulator

    After four years of no major application after Kernel Simulator, which was out in 2018, we finally decided to release the bootloader simulator imagined, called GRILO! You may be surprised by the origin of the name, but it’s a portmanteau of both names of the famous Linux bootloader still used by now, GNU GRUB, and…

  • Is FuGet down?

    FuGet was initially released in 2018 as a website application built by ASP.NET Core that lets you see what’s inside the NuGet package, included, but not limited to; documentation breakdown for each function, variable, and property; and decompiled code. It not only gives you these features, but also lets you take look at the API…

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