Category: Programming

  • How to install Termux with .NET 8.0 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS PRoot Distro

    How to install Termux with .NET 8.0 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS PRoot Distro

    Ubuntu 23.10 and later recently packaged all of the .NET 8.0 packages or later that were available in Microsoft’s public repositories. Although it was proven to be extremely difficult to package for because the build system uses the Internet and the Debian Packaging Guidelines explicitly stated that no package in the main archive may use…

  • Unit Testing, enhanced!

    Unit Testing, enhanced!

    You may have noticed that one library, Terminaux, had its unit test project improved. How? By using the newly introduced SDK, called MSTest.Sdk. According to this Microsoft blog post, it has several improvements over the older style that we’re migrating all our test projects from, such as: This new SDK not only boasts better default…

  • FileMagic Announcement

    FileMagic Announcement

    It’s been a while since we’ve released a library that is not taken from other libraries after SpecProbe. Today, we are more than excited to announce a masterpiece library: FileMagic! Have you heard about the file command that tells you the details of a file according to its magic number? This command was shipped with…

  • The second preview of .NET 9 is out!

    The second preview of .NET 9 is out!

    Since .NET 8.0 was released in November of the last year, they are currently working on the next version of .NET, which is 9.0. As a result, Microsoft is excited to release the second preview of .NET 9 to let you try out its brand new features. You can download the second preview of .NET…

  • Textify’s two functions removed temporarily

    Textify’s two functions removed temporarily

    While Terminaux 3.0 is still in development, we have made some crucial changes related to how we structure the console extensions. Terminaux 3.0 needed to maintain the VT sequence tools, so we’ve decided to take these tools from Textify to Terminaux 3.0, resulting in some kind of conflict as we progressed through the migration completion.…

  • The first preview of .NET 9 is out!

    The first preview of .NET 9 is out!

    Since .NET 8.0 was released in November of the last year, and the Microsoft team has been working on the next version of .NET, which is 9.0, they made the first preview of the upcoming .NET version. As a result, Microsoft is excited to release the first preview of .NET 9 to let you try…

  • Terminaux 3.0 Announcement

    Terminaux 3.0 Announcement

    Terminaux was first released in August of 2023 to combine all the existing terminal libraries into one. As a result, Terminaux was used by a bunch of console applications, such as Nitrocid KS. Terminaux has been updated several times to the point that version 2.0 manifested, with new and improved features already on the way…

  • Your C# tests can now run faster with MSTest!

    Your C# tests can now run faster with MSTest!

    Unit testing is generally available for all C# projects that use one of the following test frameworks: However, it looks like we have another test framework that aims to be faster than all the test frameworks, called MSTest. It was because it was built from scratch with a new idea in mind to be fully…

  • NetLimDisable – Fixes random disconnections

    NetLimDisable – Fixes random disconnections

    This is our first project from Windows PowerTools! Starting from Windows 10, there is a brand new feature introduced to WLAN AutoConfig that allows this service to check to see if your Internet connection is limited while your computer is operating. This resets your WiFi adapter to re-connect to your network in case your connection…

  • Debugging dictionaries made it easier on .NET 9.0

    Debugging dictionaries made it easier on .NET 9.0

    When debugging the dictionaries on .NET versions prior to 9.0, you may notice that the keys and the values are on the right side of the tool tip that shows you the values for your dictionary and the indexes on the left side. Starting from .NET 9.0, debugging dictionaries is made easier by displaying the…

  • Try out the .NET 9.0 Alpha SDK!

    Try out the .NET 9.0 Alpha SDK!

    .NET 8.0 was released on November 14th, 2023, to provide your applications with brand new features, such as the frozen dictionaries, performance improvements, and bug fixes related to several of the .NET components. Not so long after, .NET 9.0 alpha builds were spotted in the main installer GitHub repository, which is public. The table shows…

  • vCard 5.0 is now official!

    vCard 5.0 is now official!

    All of the contact management programs, such as your phone’s built-in contact manager, that you can use to make calls, add contacts, and remove them, use vCard. This facilitates contact management, such as allowing you to import and export one or more contacts. Here’s an example contact file that constitutes four contacts (please note that…

  • Source Link for all libraries

    Source Link for all libraries

    In the past, our libraries didn’t support Source Link, so debugging them was very difficult without having to manually decompile them. Once decompiled, you can’t set breakpoints inside them because they don’t come from the original source. Source Link allows your libraries to have source code information easily embedded inside the library assemblies in a…

  • .NET 9.0 still supports ARM32

    .NET 9.0 still supports ARM32

    This article applies to users who own ARM32-based boards, including old Android phones and old embedded devices that use that chip. ARM64 users are not affected. The upcoming short-term release version of .NET that is planned to be released on November 2024, which is .NET 9.0, can still be run on ARM32 devices. Here’s the…

  • Terminaux 2.0 is out now!

    Terminaux 2.0 is out now!

    Since Terminaux 1.0 was released in August 2022, we’ve made continuous improvements to several of the features, especially the console reader. Yesterday, Nitrocid KS 0.1.0 Beta 3’s development has finished, but it isn’t released yet until December 28th, 2023 comes. Terminaux 2.0 strives to improve many core features that Terminaux 1.0 contains. To download Terminaux…

  • Our libraries and Source Link

    Our libraries and Source Link

    Our libraries were released with quality checks in place to ensure that they work properly before they get released. Unit tests and demonstration applications were packed with the library to ensure that these libraries work properly. Also, our applications, such as Nitrocid KS, use a subset of our libraries, especially Terminaux. However, a major problem…

  • How to install Termux with .NET 8.0

    How to install Termux with .NET 8.0

    Ubuntu 23.10 and later recently packaged all of the .NET 8.0 packages or later that were available in Microsoft’s public repositories. Although it was proven to be extremely difficult to package for because the build system uses the Internet and the Debian Packaging Guidelines explicitly stated that no package in the main archive may use…

  • Rebuild All currently doesn’t work properly

    Rebuild All currently doesn’t work properly

    For the modern .NET projects, you’ll notice that if you alter a file that is to be included in the resources and rebuild the entire solution using the Rebuild All button, you’ll notice that you can’t run the application properly, because you’ll see an interesting error message printed to the console. After that, you’ll notice…

  • BassBoom Documentation is Ready

    BassBoom Documentation is Ready

    BassBoom 0.0.1 was released to the public back on October 1st after much testing, but the documentation was lacking because the GitBook documentation of the library didn’t exist. As we were making the GotBook documentation, we realized that we’re simultaneously making the second alpha version of BassBoom released yesterday, dubbed as BassBoom 0.0.2, and we…

  • SpecProbe’s macOS support

    SpecProbe’s macOS support

    SpecProbe is a hardware prober that allows you to get information about your computer’s hardware, including the CPU, the RAM, and the storage devices. It’s available for all the C# projects and Visual Basic projects that use the modern .NET. However, the initial version of SpecProbe only supported Linux and Windows systems, so users of…

  • .NET 8.0 LTS released!

    .NET 8.0 LTS released!

    The fourth Long Term Support (LTS) release for the modern .NET framework, .NET 8.0 has just been released! This release features performance improvements across various areas, feature additions, and many changes that will improve your .NET development experience. To download this version of .NET, visit the below link by clicking on the buttons shown below:…

  • UseShellExecute Process and StartInfo Debugging on .NET

    UseShellExecute Process and StartInfo Debugging on .NET

    Please note that this article is published incomplete, so complete details can be found here. Check the relevant ticket here. We’ve recently run an investigation made internally that involves the Process class and its UseShellExecute feature. This is an investigation about a pitfall when debugging the StartInfo property of a process that is to be…

  • Get ready for .NET 8.0 RC2!

    Get ready for .NET 8.0 RC2!

    .NET 8.0 Release Candidate 2 has been released to the public just now! It’s now available to all of the users running supported operating systems and Visual Studio Preview users! To get started using this release candidate of the long-term-release .NET 8.0, go to the link below: Let’s go through a very simple explanation about…

  • .NET Foundation CLA signing instructions

    .NET Foundation CLA signing instructions

    The Contributor License Agreement is a group of conditions of contributing to a company or a project, typically software under an open source license. The .NET Foundation was established on March 31st, 2014, to support various projects that are made with .NET technologies. However, the Foundation doesn’t give any up-to-date information as to how to…

  • BassBoom! Announcement

    BassBoom! Announcement

    When we discovered that there were actually no working C# managed cross-platform libraries that can deal with MP3 files and play them, we came up with a solution that’s going to excite all of you. For instance, NAudio can only play music files on Windows systems, while it’s basically useless as a music player on…

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