Category: Ubuntu Official Distribution

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa wallpapers revealed

    Around the end of February and the start of March, Ubuntu recently announced that the above wallpaper will be used in the upcoming version, Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa, which should be released around April 23, 2020. The new default Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa wallpapers are made, and then it began spreading around the whole Internet,…

  • Regarding the inability to search for “firefox.desktop” in Ubuntu Store bug

    According to this bug report, it is still not fixed for 6 months. It was originally reported somewhere around July. Did you remember that if you tried to click on “Show Details” button on some apps like Firefox it would give you an error saying that it couldn’t find the software in Ubuntu Store (GNOME…

  • Bug found in gnome-terminal version 3.34.2-1ubuntu1

    Ubuntu 20.04 LTS development has started after the release of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine, and, as usual, the bug reporters have found a bug in different packages on different computers and laptops. The development versions are always unstable. However, the bug in gnome-terminal is spotted. According to the current version of gnome-terminal in Ubuntu 20.04…

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa is being reviewed

    Recently Ubuntu 20.04 LTS development has started according to the previous blog, and the IRC started supporting the new Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine. Also, there is a changelog that states all of the Ubuntu 19.10’s changes here. Very soon after it got released, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS codename is revealed, called Focal Fossa. We have done…

  • Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa development started

    Soon after Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is released, the new LTS version of Ubuntu, called 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa, has just begun development by looking at the archive. According to, the new development branch by the name of “focal” just appeared. There are not many differences from “eoan” because it started very early. If…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is released

    Starting yesterday, Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is released, finally, as per the announcement on the mailing list for Ubuntu. It has an updated desktop environment of GNOME 3.34 Codename Thessaloniki which incorporates the following changes: Made a visual redesign for most apps and the desktop Made a visual redesign for the background selection, like the…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is about to be released

    After 6 months of development, Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine finally finished the development and is about to be released this day, 10/17. The countdown timer reached the timeout, but it still isn’t released yet. That means that it will be ready to be released for end users after it getting stable. Thanks to all the…

  • Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter reaches 600 milestone

    Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is getting on its way to the release, and after a few years, Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter has reached the 600 milestone (600-699). About 400 issues remaining and it will reach to the 1000 milestone. Like the previous issues that are on the 500 milestone, they include all the used categories, like…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Beta will be released soon

    Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine has been in development for a long time and they have announced that this version of Ubuntu will enter the beta freeze, and that means that it will now have a beta version. This version is unstable, so expect bugs and instabilities coming while working on a specific app on this…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine default wallpaper has came

    After waiting for an official Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan wallpaper that is used in the beta and the final releases, the above picture that you see can now be viewed. It is used in the latest version of ubuntu-wallpapers, but the competition wallpapers are in the vote stage for 10 days. Thanks to who designed this…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine has changed, again.

    Recently, a change in Ubuntu 19.10’s themes, especially the boot screen, has made Ubuntu look lighter and nicer, with Yaru title bars look like Adwaita dark with some modifications to reflect Ubuntu’s colors and choices. Also, the dock is now transparent. When you start Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine, instead of the normal login screen like…

  • GDM3 version 3.33.92-2ubuntu1 is now out on Ubuntu 19.10

    Recently an update to GDM3 by the version of 3.33.92-2ubuntu1 is now in the main server and all mirrors of the Ubuntu archive. It provides a changelog that you can access by running the command apt changelog gdm3 as normal user or as root. If you are too lazy to run this command, you can’t…

  • Speech dispatcher and other users are not shown in Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine

    The latest update of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine’s Settings app will now hide users that should be hidden, like vboxadd, Speech dispatcher, ftp, etc. It only shows all of your users. Previously, it used to show the speech dispatcher and the vboxadd users according to our tests, as seen in the picture below: The two…

  • Ubuntu Eoan Ermine’s wallpaper will come soon

    Ubuntu’s next release, 19.10 Eoan Ermine, will get the official wallpaper, as well as the wallpapers that won the contest from Ubuntu Discourse. This post is just a reminder post, so it is short. Also, when we get our hands on the official wallpaper, we will release it to our next blog post. UPDATE: The…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine gets new Beta version of GNOME with bug fixes

    Before the GNOME update, it has some bugs that GNOME developers and Ubuntu devs have to fix, like the indicator that points at the user in the settings won’t point to the selected user. After this, the new beta release, GNOME 3.33.91, has surfaced to Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine. Now, let’s see the changes compared…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is updated with the new Yaru design changes

    The Ubuntu 19.10 that’s still in development has now incorporated the Yaru design changes, and that made it increment to 19.10 version. They are possibly readying for the beta version of Ubuntu coming in September. The current design is now replaced with the new Yaru 19.10 Eoan Ermine design, and affects GDM too. Let’s see…

  • Ubuntu Eoan Ermine has reached the feature freeze

    According to the release schedule of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine, it is now the time that the new features won’t be accepted to the new release by the Ubuntu developers and package makers. It may also meet the Debian Import freeze, meaning that all the requests to import a package from Debian that are dated…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Reminder

    Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is the version that is still in the development branch and is not ready for the beta, but close to the feature freeze. It initially started over a month after 19.04 release as Eoan EANIMAL. The term “EANIMAL” is used for the placeholder animal. The official wallpaper for 19.10 is still…

  • Manual page segmentation fault fixed in Ubuntu 19.10

    man-db populates the database for manual pages installed in your system. Each time you install a package that has manual pages, it’s triggered to update the database to reflect new manual pages which is for the installed package. Manual pages are documentations for a specified application which can be formatted using groff, troff, etc. They…

  • My first bug finding on Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine

    This Ubuntu release is at the development stage currently, and has the name of “Eoan Ermine.” It used to be “Eoan EANIMAL” because they didn’t select an animal to use. After 3 months approx, it will get a final x64 release. It continues to get new versions of packages on the official Ubuntu repository, that…

  • Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan EANIMAL daily live builds have been released

    Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan EANIMAL daily live releases have been released days ago. It is exactly the same as Disco Dingo, but with some bug fixes and improvements, and might be feature additions. As we don’t have a stable 64-bit machines, we couldn’t give a review. We will keep you updated about Eoan EANIMAL. The release…

  • Ubuntu 14.04.6 is released, although it ends support on April 2019

    Ubuntu 14.04.6 is released after 3 years of release of Ubuntu 14.04.5 on 2016. You can find its changelogs here. The actual release date of Ubuntu 14.04.6 is March 7, 2019, and the end of support date is April 2019 (day unknown). It incorporates so many changes from the 14.04.5, including getting rid of obsolete…

  • Ubuntu 19.04 beta is released!

    The beta version of Ubuntu 19.04 has been released publicly on Ubuntu release sites. It’s marked as unsupported on What about the flavors? The beta version has been released for them too! Now, provides a beta link for Ubuntu and its flavors: (Ubuntu – amd64) (Kubuntu – amd64) (Lubuntu –…

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