Updates regarding our work



Yesterday, Nitrocid KS 0.1.0’s tag was added to the Git repository that marked the end of the second development semester of this particular version because we needed a year and a half to come up with all the awesome features that will be highlighted in the upcoming article.

This tag triggered the release drafter, which packed the release build as appropriate. This saved us a lot of bandwidth because the entire distribution is almost 300 MB in total, with the full version weighing around 100 MB. This is because of one of the features added, called kernel addons.

We would like to make this article to update you with updates regarding our workflow. Between March 1st and 11th, we’ll not only populate Nitrocid 0.1.0’s documentation for the latest changes made, but we’ll also make the analytical releases more frequently to give you the latest reports regarding our projects.

After March 11th, we’ll cease all development activities to give projects time to be tested internally and to probably make DEV.to articles regarding the tips and the tricks for all our projects. This is taken into effect until April 14th, after which the development will continue, but under the new plan configuration to allow time for not only development but also testing, documentation, and making tips and tricks articles.

We currently can’t release any details to the public, as our plans are currently volatile and may change.


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