.NET 9.0 still supports ARM32



This article applies to users who own ARM32-based boards, including old Android phones and old embedded devices that use that chip. ARM64 users are not affected.

The upcoming short-term release version of .NET that is planned to be released on November 2024, which is .NET 9.0, can still be run on ARM32 devices. Here’s the story behind this support.


On June 21st, 2022, when .NET 7.0 was still in its preview stages, the .NET team brought up a discussion about dropping support for the 32-bit ARM processors for .NET 9.0 and later. The thread started with “We’re hyper-focused on Arm64 and x64 (alpha order). They are both critical to us. As it relates to Arm, all of our effort has gone into Arm64/Armv8. There have been no substantial improvements in Arm32/Armv7. We’re not focused on it. We’ve started to talk about dropping support for it.”

In the same discussion, the team also suggested that their current thinking was to “support Arm32 through .NET 7 and 8 and then end support after that (with .NET 9).” Ideally, .NET 7.0 and .NET 8.0 were both released for all the supported architectures, including devices with ARM32 boards.

They have also been informed that “there is at least one party that we know has a hard dependency on Arm32.”

The developers commented on their opinions about dropping support for ARM32. Some developers agreed to drop the support for ARM32 processors, and some developers didn’t agree to drop it.

Official statement

It has been concluded that the .NET team won’t drop support for ARM32 processors for .NET 9.0 or higher. Here’s an answer that was posted four months ago as of this writing:

Official answer:

We are NOT dropping Linux Arm32 with .NET 9. It will be supported. There are no plans to revisit this decision.

I apologize for not offering clarity sooner. A number of customers have asked about this, and we are happy to support them.


So, you can still run .NET 9.0 applications on ARM32 devices when this version of .NET gets released on November 2024.

Check the .NET 9.0 planning milestone here.

Meanwhile, you can download and install .NET 8.0 on your ARM32 device using this website.


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