Our libraries and Source Link



Our libraries were released with quality checks in place to ensure that they work properly before they get released. Unit tests and demonstration applications were packed with the library to ensure that these libraries work properly. Also, our applications, such as Nitrocid KS, use a subset of our libraries, especially Terminaux.

However, a major problem with these libraries is that they currently don’t support Source Link. This means that the developers who are looking to debug their application using our libraries can’t take a look at the source code of it unless they clone our library’s source code, build it in debug mode, and copy the library files, including the PDB files, over to the application directory.

This tediousness of having to perform extra work to debug our libraries, combined with them being built in release mode for NuGet, reduces your productivity of debugging our libraries when you try to find a bug in it or to explore how it works right from your Visual Studio IDE.

Furthermore, only two of our libraries, Terminaux and Textify, seem to support Source Link.

The Solution

The solution to this problem is to start evaluating all the libraries when they become obsolete or not and when it’s worth supporting Source Link. All of the libraries will be put to the Source Link plan to make your debugging lives easier, but only if the development of the next version of a library has started.

Applications that implement addon systems, such as GRILO and Nitrocid KS, will also get Source Link support. This means that it won’t be long until we add Source Link support to our libraries.

To know more about Source Link, press the below button:


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