BassBoom Documentation is Ready



BassBoom 0.0.1 was released to the public back on October 1st after much testing, but the documentation was lacking because the GitBook documentation of the library didn’t exist.

As we were making the GotBook documentation, we realized that we’re simultaneously making the second alpha version of BassBoom released yesterday, dubbed as BassBoom 0.0.2, and we didn’t want to cause inconsistencies with the source code version, so we’ve decided to wait until BassBoom 0.0.2 gets released.

When it got released, we’ve managed to finish the BassBoom documentation, and the new documentation is now available to the public.

The documentation explains how BassBoom works, its features, and its API functions that you can use in your application that plays sound.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and update your applications to use BassBoom 0.0.2 while consulting its documentation!


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