SpecProbe’s macOS support



SpecProbe is a hardware prober that allows you to get information about your computer’s hardware, including the CPU, the RAM, and the storage devices. It’s available for all the C# projects and Visual Basic projects that use the modern .NET.

However, the initial version of SpecProbe only supported Linux and Windows systems, so users of macOS had to endure crashes associated with this library.

The upcoming version of SpecProbe brings support for macOS systems. Below is the console screen captured from a macOS Sonoma installation:

Celebrating the .NET 8.0 release, which you can learn more about it here, we’ve decided to release SpecProbe 1.1.0 using .NET 8.0, which means that you’ll have to upgrade all your projects that use it to use .NET 8.0 in order to be able to add macOS support to the hardware prober.

However, there are limitations when it comes to macOS hardware probing. The virtual disks and partitions are probed as physical disks, the amount of total cores may be wrong, and the L3 cache size is not available.

We’ll work on the next major version that tries to fix these limitations.

To update SpecProbe to 1.1.0, upgrade your projects to use .NET 8.0, and update the PackageReference line that refers to SpecProbe to point to the 1.1.0 version.


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