Regarding the programming articles



When this blog site first appeared, it talked about our experience with computers, including tips and tricks with computers. Over time, this blog site is populated with programming articles.

However, it looks like is a better place to write programming-related articles there. That programming blogging platform was there for developers to write their blog posts about everything programming.

As a result, we’ll migrate every programming-related article from here to while still preserving such articles here. This is to ensure that we’ll have a bigger audience, especially those that are programming-centric.

Any new article that has to do with programming won’t be posted here, but it will be posted to that platform. Any new article that doesn’t have to do with programm will continue to be posted here, including the recent development of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat.

As for announcements that have to do with our projects, such as the release of Nitrocid KS 0.1.0 Beta 3, they’ll continue to be posted here.

Enjoy the ride!

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