Terminaux Released!



We have previously announced Terminaux, a library that manipulates with your console in any way, like VT sequences, inputs, etc. We have also done a follow-up announcement of the first announcement article about the same library.

However, it looks like that Terminaux is stable enough to be ready for prime time, so, we’ve decided to tell you an exciting announcement:

Terminaux got released!

Let us tell you more about Terminaux. It’s an innovative library that caters to the needs of .NET programmers who work on advanced console programs. With its powerful set of features, Terminaux aims to be the go-to solution for terminal manipulation. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Terminaux provides a seamless experience to enhance your productivity.

You can now download Terminaux through NuGet by clicking on the below button to go to the NuGet package page:

One of the standout features of Terminaux is its robust VT sequence builders and filters. These tools enable you to easily manipulate the terminal output, customize the visual appearance, and more. With just a few lines of code, you can add color, styling, and various effects to your console outputs, giving them a professional and polished look.

But Terminaux doesn’t stop there. It also offers a range of features for colors that play a vital role in any application. It provides color sequence makers and a color wheel feature that allow you to change the color of your console output. Easily generate, manipulate, and experiment with colors to create visually appealing and harmonious designs.

Whether you are developing a command-line tool, a terminal-based game, or an interactive console application, Terminaux empowers you with the tools necessary to take your project to the next level. With its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation, even those new to terminal manipulation can quickly get up to speed and start creating impressive applications.

Also, we’ve changed our decision to release the second beta of Nitrocid KS. The final release date is August 10th, 2023!

So why settle for mundane and plain console applications? Upgrade your development experience with Terminaux and unlock a world of possibilities. Harness the power of terminal manipulation, unleash your creativity, and deliver applications that stand out from the crowd. Let Terminaux be your trusted companion in the world of .NET console programming.


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