Regarding our website



Update: Our brand new website design just landed! Give us feedback on how to improve it. Click on the button below to visit the website!

We have established our landing website to give you a welcome mat to our projects and to our technology stuff. However, it looks like we’re facing maintenance difficulties with our site.

As for the backend that we’ve used, we’ve recently tried to implement a progress bar that would show up before all the projects are loaded. However, it was proven to be problematic because of the way that our JavaScript implementation of fetching the projects and displaying them.

In fact, JavaScript is also prone to security bugs and silent fails, and debugging it is difficult because there are no good tools to facilitate this, like breakpoints, live edit and continue, etc. JavaScript is also run client-side, which made some users disable JavaScript entirely. Also, we don’t want performance issues to occur for our users with low-end computers and phones.

We didn’t want broken appearance before loading all the things, so we decided to start fresh.

Now, whenever you visit our website, instead of our usual page, you’re greeted with a warning saying that we’re currently re-designing the website.

We hope that the re-design using another technology will improve your website experience with us.

Now, for a deeper explanation about why we’ve chosen this path, check out this article.

We’re sorry for your inconvenience.

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