Obsoleting Extensification



Extensification was released in 2020 to aid in making otherwise complicated methods a simple thing to do. It was initially intended for Nitrocid KS (Kernel Simulator at the time), but later extended to some of our projects.

It was because we were using Visual Basic at the time, which was known for its limited development. However, we’ll announce the sad news for those who use this library:

Extensification is deprecated starting July 9th.

All users of this library are encouraged to pick one of the two migration options:

The reason for this obsoletion is that because these extensions’ implementations were based on completely bad ideas.

While some of the extensions, like VT sequence conversion, string truncation, and ReplaceAll() flavors are good ideas, a whole lot majority of them, like character incrementation, string formatting (custom), and getting digits of a number are based on bad ideas.

Some of the extensions that are based on good ideas may be moved to their respective libraries, like the VT sequence conversion function that needs to be moved to VT.NET, albeit with some modifications to make it more stable.

So, we decided to obsolete this library to make such bad ideas a great lesson to the developers about how not to make extensions.

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