Ending support for ReadLine.Reboot



We have introduced you to ReadLine.Reboot back in June when we’re trying to expand the base library, ReadLine, after it got abandoned by Toni Solarin-Sodara in 2018. Since then, we have made claims that this reboot will keep being developed through its lifetime.

Sadly, we have made our final decision regarding this project, and what we’re going to say next will disappoint you.

We regret informing you that ReadLine.Reboot has reached the end of its life, which means that it’ll no longer receive any updates. Meanwhile, we promise that we’ll come up with something better than ReadLine.Reboot. This time, it’ll be developed using our own creativity instead of forking the ReadLine library again.

We have our own reasons why we decided to end its life.

Base library is bad

We’re talking about the original ReadLine, which is the base library that ReadLine.Reboot extended. Because the base library wasn’t exactly fit for purpose in the area of extensibility, we couldn’t create our own reboot as we originally wanted. The idea was good on paper, but the execution was poor in our book.

We originally wanted to make our own reboot fool-proof, but each new version arrived with more bugs, including the CPU contention bug each time ReadLine.Reboot is called and the poorly-executed interruption logic.

The future of ReadLine.Reboot

We’ll remove all chats related to ReadLine.Reboot from our Discord server starting November 1st. The spiritual reboot of ReadLine made entirely by us is underway.

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  1. Say hello to 2023! – Aptivi Avatar

    […] However, we have come up with a couple of disappointments, like taking out support for macOS and ending development of ReadLine.Reboot because its base was bad as explained in this blog post. […]


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