.NET 7.0 Release Candidate 1 released



September 14th, 2022 sets a date in which .NET 7.0 Release Candidate 1 was out and announced by Microsoft in the developer blog site. .NET 7.0 was supposed to be released at November 8th, so the celebration will be held in the same day at .NET Conf 2022.

.NET 7.0 brings massive performance improvements from different areas, including reflection, threading, Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation, compression, and more. It’s so massive that we can’t just detail all of them here, so we link you to this blog post explaining all the performance improvements in detail. Not only that, but there are also many improvements for ARM64 architecture.

…and .NET 7.0 is not just about performance. It’s also about new features being added, bug fixes, console rework (only 9 out of 22 reworks done as of now; issue here), and so on.

.NET 7.0 was tested with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 2, so it’s currently only available on the preview version. You can also download .NET 7.0 SDK and runtime binaries at this page if you want to try it out.

.NET 7.0 promises .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) productivity improvements, to make building your multi-platform applications easier and more productive than before. It “provides a single project that handles multi-targeting across devices and their platforms.”

It also provides support for building containerized applications for use with Docker, the virtual machine based software as a package solution. It can support gRPC JSON natively.

Not only that, but it also enjoys regular expression improvements.


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