NuGet is deprecating the legacy cipher suites



NuGet used to support both the modern cipher suites and the legacy cipher suites for the connection to the main site,

However, on August 30th, it has become clear that NuGet is deprecating the legacy cipher suites from their site so anyone who are still using the legacy cipher suites are no longer be able to access NuGet until they use the latest cipher suites. The users who are using the below cipher suites can access NuGet and its packages:

However, they also stated that between August 31th and September 2nd, they’ll take a test for the deprecation to “understand the broken change for our customers.”

Based on Microsoft’s telemetry, they expected that the impact for the customers would be minimal.

Today marks the deprecation date for the legacy cipher suite, whifh means that people that are using legacy cipher suites and are still using NuGet will no longer be able to use the services until they update their clients to support the abovementioned cipher suites.


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