FuGet is back, but…



We have pinpointed about the FuGet availability issue in our previous entry where we discovered that NuGet have taken down the link pointing to FuGet for its unavailability.

The FuGet developers have successfully managed to resolve the availability issue on their end, so NuGet put the link back live to the package description pages, and the developers were expecting that the FuGet package manager has improved…

Dark fate

The FuGet package manager returned with a worse state, because it seems that it still has lateness in response before and after the fix, so nothing was fixed apparently.

But, it has also occurred that FuGet is now showing older package version for some of the packages, like Kernel Simulator. Visit this FuGet analysis for, and you’ll be taken back to, which was released in June 12th, 2021. This is illustrated below:

The classes also don’t show up in the sidebar, so you can only take a look at the assemblies and their contents that are published while building. This makes the FuGet package exploration experience much more unpleasant than before the availability fix.

However, if you reload the page without the version at the end of the URL, you’ll get the latest version of the package with its namespaces and classes, which is shown below:

However, if you try to access any namespace, such as KS.Misc.Writers.ConsoleWriters, you’ll sometimes get an error saying “The service is unavailable.”

If you try to access your package from the homepage, you’ll sometimes get this error message:

This stack trace is printed here in case you can’t see the picture:

System.InvalidOperationException: The given header was not found. 
at System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetValues(HeaderDescriptor descriptor)
at FuGetGallery.PackageData.ReadEntriesAsync(HttpClient client, String file)
at FuGetGallery.PackageData.ReadAsync(HttpClient httpClient, String packageUri) in /home/runner/work/FuGetGallery/FuGetGallery/Data/PackageData.cs:line 303
at FuGetGallery.PackageData.PackageDataCache.ReadPackageFromUrl(PackageData package, HttpClient httpClient, CancellationToken token) in /home/runner/work/FuGetGallery/FuGetGallery/Data/PackageData.cs:line 600
at FuGetGallery.PackageData.PackageDataCache.GetValueAsync(String arg0, PackageVersion arg1, HttpClient httpClient, CancellationToken token) in /home/runner/work/FuGetGallery/FuGetGallery/Data/PackageData.cs:line 576

This can be caused by attempting to open a duplicate package by the same name, which populated the home page listing your packages, because you tried to open a package from NuGet to FuGet using a link, as shown here:

If you managed to escape all of these roadblocks, you’ll be able to view the classes and namespaces.

If you try to search for any package, like Newtonsoft.Json, you’ll be immediately presented with this error message as shown here:

Or, in case you can’t see the screenshot:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'array') at System.Buffers.TlsOverPerCoreLockedStacksArrayPool`1.Return(T[] array, Boolean clearArray) at System.Net.Http.HttpContent.LimitArrayPoolWriteStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStringAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at FuGetGallery.PackagesSearchResults.ResultsCache.GetValueAsync(String q, HttpClient httpClient, CancellationToken token) in /home/runner/work/FuGetGallery/FuGetGallery/Data/PackagesSearchResults.cs:line 84

In our tests, we have shown that FuGet is more inconsistent than before, so you’ll have to reload the page various times and even wait for a few moments while things stabilize before you can actually open a class in the package.

According to the two stack traces, we have concluded that the website is run by some kind of GitHub runner according to the user name called “runner”, which may be the root cause of the issue.

We hope that the rest of the issues FuGet currently suffers will be fixed very soon.

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