Warning for Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine users



Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine was released on October 2019 after tests, including our contributions. We have reported bugs as soon as they appeared on the pre-release of this version. However, after 8 months of release, we’re going to warn users that this version is going to the End of Life stage in the middle of July 2020.

This screenshot confirms that this release is going away from the official website in July:

When Ubuntu 19.10 reaches end of life and you still use it on your systems, you’ll no longer receive updates for all packages, including the security updates that protect you from software security vulnerabilities. We advise you to upgrade as soon as you can. Also, you can’t get any support when using the End of Life releases.

To upgrade, follow these steps:

  1. Open Terminal Emulator.
  2. Execute sudo do-release-upgrade
  3. Follow the instructions to upgrade your release to the latest version.
  4. After it’s finished, restart your computer.

We will set up a timer so that the time remaining to upgrade to the latest release before Ubuntu 19.10 reaches EOL will be shown. Stay safe, and have a nice day.

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