Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla development started



Xubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa wallpaper

After few days after the release of the long-awaited Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa, the new development version of the next version has now surfaced, and the codename is revealed. This is Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla.

Unlike the LTS versions, this version, which is under development, is a normal release which is only supported for nine months after the release. We have promised that bugs and instabilities will be found after the end of June, like we did with Eoan Ermine where a man-db critical bug has been filed.

Earlier, we wrote that this version will remove the i386 architecture completely from the archive. It turns out that it’s wrong, because look at archive.ubuntu.com. We just need to confirm at the time 20.04 will be released.

Did you notice that we didn’t do much bug reporting to Eoan Ermine during its development periods? Yes, because we…

  1. …have school in that period
  2. …have limited time and resources
  3. …have constant electricity cutouts

Do you think that 2 hours is enough to test the development versions of an operating system? According to our measurements, the answer would be no, except if the operating system is minimal.

So, if you have time to report bugs until the end of June, please do. The developers will try to fix the bugs. But, the repository system will keep up with new changes and feature additions. At the end, Ubuntu is based on Debian, so it keeps up with Debian unstable with some Ubuntu-specific changes.

We will have 5 months after the end of June. So, stay home, stay up-to-date, and goodbye.

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