Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa is released



After 6 months of development of the next LTS version, especially bug fixes, performance improvements, and feature additions, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa has been released finally for AMD64 platforms. Not only it’s released in the original distribution, but also in Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and all other official flavors.

Do you feel that 18.04 LTS and 19.10 look old? Now, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS should renew everything, including the flicker-free bootscreen experience that is promised to Ubuntu users, new login screen look, long-awaited dark mode, and so on.

This is the second LTS version that does not get released for i386 platforms for Ubuntu, and this is the first LTS version that’s not available for i386 platforms for all the other Ubuntu flavors. We speculate that the next Ubuntu release, 20.10 GG, will never have any i386 repository, although that might be wrong because of Wine and Steam.

To upgrade your system to 20.04 LTS, assuming that you need to upgrade from 18.04 LTS, either open the terminal and run do-release-upgrade as root, or open Software Updates and start the upgrade. Make sure that your packages are upgraded first.

We will post our screenshots for the latest LTS version, and start logging all the Ubuntu 20.10 changes in the middle of June. We will also report all bugs found.

So, stay home and stay up-to-date with us by following our blog, and goodbye.

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