Bug found in gnome-terminal version 3.34.2-1ubuntu1



Ubuntu 20.04 LTS development has started after the release of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine, and, as usual, the bug reporters have found a bug in different packages on different computers and laptops. The development versions are always unstable. However, the bug in gnome-terminal is spotted.

According to the current version of gnome-terminal in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa, the menu bug is recently spotted. We have opened the menu in the test machine on VirtualBox, and the menu is properly rendered, but with the white box below the menu. See the image below:

However, when we open the menu in the Files browser and the text editor, we saw no white box, so it is known that it’s a gnome-terminal bug as seen in the following gallery:

The bug report can be seen here with the bug importance of Low, because it’s minor, and doesn’t affect usability. Did you remember that man-db bug? it’s set to Critical because it affects usability.

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