Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is released



Starting yesterday, Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine is released, finally, as per the announcement on the mailing list for Ubuntu. It has an updated desktop environment of GNOME 3.34 Codename Thessaloniki which incorporates the following changes:

The Linux kernel has been upgraded to 5.3-xx series. Online accounts and the Store now work perfectly without the annoying You have to connect to the Internet message.

Also, it allows you to install Ubuntu using the ZFS file system experimentally using this option:


ZFS allows faster booting to Ubuntu, but our test will come soon when 20.04 LTS development begins and the clean install is coming. Stay with us for more updates, including development branch updates.

Bonus: Our first Eoan picture. Remember that the changes made by an extension, and by GNOME tweaks, including icons, doesn’t count as a Ubuntu change

UPDATE: We have provided you a new Xubuntu wallpaper for Eoan Ermine.

Default Xubuntu wallpaper for Eoan Ermine

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