Ubuntu 19.10 Beta will be released soon



Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine Beta may look like this (icons are uncounted because I modified it through Tweaks)

Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine has been in development for a long time and they have announced that this version of Ubuntu will enter the beta freeze, and that means that it will now have a beta version. This version is unstable, so expect bugs and instabilities coming while working on a specific app on this version, because it has latest versions of packages.

If you want to checkout the beta version, download it here (64-bit). However, if you still want to see the current progress of this version, download it here (64-bit).

It will contain winner wallpapers which can be seen and read more on this article hosted on OMG Ubuntu!

This blog post is short, but should tell you that there is a beta version of Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine which will come soon. Stay with us for more updates.

UPDATE: Now, Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine features winner wallpapers as compared to earlier builds.

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