GDM3 version 3.33.92-2ubuntu1 is now out on Ubuntu 19.10



Recently an update to GDM3 by the version of 3.33.92-2ubuntu1 is now in the main server and all mirrors of the Ubuntu archive. It provides a changelog that you can access by running the command apt changelog gdm3 as normal user or as root. If you are too lazy to run this command, you can’t download it, or if you have Windows, you can read below:

  * Merge with Debian. Remaining changes:
    + README.Debian: update for correct paths in Ubuntu
      - Don't recommend desktop-base
      - Depend on bash for config_error_dialog.patch
      - Update Vcs field
    + rules:
      - Don't override default user/group
      - --enable-gdm-xsession to install upstream Xsession script
      - override dh_installinit with --no-start to avoid session being killed
    + rules, README.Debian, gdm3.8.pod:
      Use upstream custom.conf instead of daemon.conf
    + gdm3.{postinst,postrm}: rename user and group back to gdm
    + gdm3.postinst, gdm3.prerm: don't kill gdm on upgrade
    + gdm3.*.pam: Make pam_env read ~/.pam_environment
    + gdm3.install:
      - Stop installing default.desktop. It adds unnecessary clutter
        ("System Default") to the session chooser.
      - Don't install debian/Xsession
    + Add run_xsession.d.patch
    + Add xresources_is_a_dir.patch
      - Fix loading from /etc/X11/Xresources/*
    + Add nvidia_prime.patch:
      - Add hook to run prime-offload (as root) and prime-switch if
        nvidia-prime is installed
    + Add revert_override_LANG_with_accountservices.patch:
      - On Ubuntu accountservices only stores the language and not the
        full locale as needed by LANG.
    + Add dont_set_language_env.patch:
      - Don't run the set_up_session_language() function, since it
        overrides variable values set by ~/.pam_environment
    + Add config_error_dialog.patch:
      - Show warning dialog in case of error in ~/.profile etc. and
        don't let a syntax error make the login fail
    + Add debian/patches/revert_nvidia_wayland_blacklist.patch:
      - Don't blacklist nvidia for wayland
    + Add gdm3.service-wait-for-drm-device-before-trying-to-start-i.patch:
      - Wait for the first valid gdm device on pre-start
    + Add debian/
      - Disable Bluetooth audio devices in PulseAudio from gdm3.
    + debian/gdm3.install
      - Added details of the file
    + debian/gdm3.postinst
      - Added installation of and creation of dir if it doesn't
    + debian/greeter.dconf-defaults: Don't set Debian settings in the
      greeter's dconf DB

Apparently, it’s a merge from Debian Experimental as you can check here. The changelogs are found here.

We have updated our GDM version to this version on the testing virtual machine, and saw that the font hinting is no longer there. It’s not slight, but it’s full.

Note that “Log in as other user” is not counted.

Also, the GNOME components, as well as ubuntu-session, have been updated to 3.33.92. Follow the blog for more updates.

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  1. rileyrg Avatar

    Any idea why gdm3 login to gnome does not respect common-sesson : user_readenv=1 in order to load ~/.pam_environment in order to set my path? It does work for gdm3-> gnome and also for plain tty login to command line.


    1. EoflaOE Avatar

      The latest versions of pam disables reading user_readenv by default. You might have to add “user_readenv=1” to /etc/pam.d/gdm-launch-environment so it looks like the following:

      “session required user_readenv=1 readenv=1
      session required user_readenv=1 readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale”

      If it still doesn’t work, tell me.


      1. Richard Riley Avatar
        Richard Riley

        Im using Debian Bullseye btw, but in theory should be the same. Since most include common-session isnt that enough btw? Alas. it doesnt work. Does work for tty login, does work for gdm3 gnome login, does not work for gdm i3 login or gdm xsession login (.xsession which starts i3).


        2 auth requisite
        3 auth required
        4 @include common-account
        5 session optional force revoke
        6 session required
        8 session required user_readenv=1 readenv=1
        9 session required user_readenv=1 readenv=1 envfile=/etc/default/locale
        10 @include common-session
        11 @include common-password


        2 # /etc/pam.d/common-session – session-related modules common to all services
        3 #
        4 # This file is included from other service-specific PAM config files,
        5 # and should contain a list of modules that define tasks to be performed
        6 # at the start and end of sessions of any kind (both interactive and
        7 # non-interactive).
        8 #
        9 # As of pam 1.0.1-6, this file is managed by pam-auth-update by default.
        10 # To take advantage of this, it is recommended that you configure any
        11 # local modules either before or after the default block, and use
        12 # pam-auth-update to manage selection of other modules. See
        13 # pam-auth-update(8) for details.
        15 # here are the per-package modules (the “Primary” block)
        16 session [default=1]
        17 # here’s the fallback if no module succeeds
        18 session requisite
        19 # prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn’t one already;
        20 # this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
        21 # since the modules above will each just jump around
        22 session required
        23 # and here are more per-package modules (the “Additional” block)
        24 session required
        25 session optional
        26 session optional unwrap
        27 # end of pam-auth-update config
        28 # Read ~/.pam_environment
        29 session required readenv=0 user_readenv=1


      2. EoflaOE Avatar

        Interesting. Can you post an output of “grep pam_env /etc/pam.d/*” to see what’s wrong?


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